Sunday, October 12, 2014

When we fight...

Just because children have parents, doesn't mean they are not orphans. And just because your parents have died, doesn't mean you're alone. The tragedy of what we create when we are at war with ourselves and with each other are the children we leave behind, the souls we lose when we are trying to find ourselves. We slowly kill their hopes and beliefs; we quickly steal their joy and happiness. We leave them feeling alone and unloved, sad and angry. We tell ourselves this is better. Better than what? Than having a home? Than belonging to someone? We lie to ourselves in order to live. We tell ourselves the story of a distorted reality so we can feel better about who we are. We let go, and in doing so we create a new generation that doesn't know how to hold on. We teach the future that nothing is worthwhile, not even love, not even you.

~Yasaman Nafisi

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