Tuesday, June 9, 2015


Sometimes you accidentally run into timelines of other people that match up with your old timeline. However, their timeline continues uninterrupted while yours takes a departure from your projected and estimated trajectory. It's always a little jarring when you see the timeline that's uninterrupted and start comparing it to yours. You start wondering if maybe this uninterrupted timeline could have been your life and then you look for where things changed. It's an exhausting and defeating process. It presupposes that one single act can determine the fate of your timeline. It also presupposes that one outcome is better than another.

Life is not like that. If it were, there would be an antidote or a counter action that would protect you from that other "action" that is the determining factor in the change of trajectory. (Now I'm getting into Quantum Physics, which I love by the way.) ;)

In reality, there is no way to pinpoint a single moment when things change. While there are single events that change us forever, life is a continuous flow of moments that lead from one to another. Every time I have tried to look for that single moment, I have had to look at the moment before that and the one before that and on and on and on. It is actually easier to look forward and change actions in present mode for future benefit.

So where's the perk?

I suppose the perk of being a counselor in this situation is to know at any given moment you have the power to change the future and according to the most recent Quantum Physics studies, apparently you can even change the past. Wow! Imagine that! 

(Disclaimer: The study of Quantum Physics is not a perk of being a counselor. That's a perk of being "Yasi." :))

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